Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer smoothies

You cannot go wrong starting your day with a smoothie, and the best time of year is summertime.  Fruits and vegetables are abound and you can sneak in the healthy things that you may not like as much on their own.

My brother gave me the idea of adding green tea.  While appreciative of the anti-inflammatory benefits, I cannot sip a mug with any relish.  Now I make enough jasmine green tea for 3-4 days, refrigerate, and use in place of the liquid each morning.  You can hide other beneficial fruits and veg that may not appeal to your palate as well.

Strawberries are at their peak in New England with new fruits and vegetables arriving weekly.  Choose what makes you happy, and if you can, sneak in a few extras for a boost.  Organic fruits are also available year-round in your grocer's freezer.  I recommend the Nutri-Bullet or another blender with the same level of power, it provides a smooth consistency.

Summer smoothie

  • Water or green tea
  • 1/4 cup raw, unsalted cashews, almonds, or walnuts
  • 2 stalks of kale 
  • 1 banana
  • 5-6 strawberries
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
-Soak the nuts that you have chosen (or substitute a grain milk if allergic to nuts) in your water or green tea for 10 minutes or more
-Tear up the kale after removing any tough stems, add to the blender
-Add peeled banana
-Clean strawberries and remove stems, add with Blueberries
-Fill with more water or tea if needed, but be sure not to overfill
-Blend all ingredients and enjoy
-If you need it a bit sweeter, feel free to add more of the berries. 

Until next time, savor another day of warmth and sunshine

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